Why Member Wings?


While you or we can replace a lot of things, Time is the one thing that cannot be regenerated.  A second past becomes history. Each trip on a Member Wings flight can save over six hours compared to the same commercial flight. COVID-19 is changing how all commercial air carriers are operating. From airport parking, shuttle services, TSA screening, social distancing in boarding areas and jetways will slow processes further.

With Member Wings, you arrive at a private terminal, board the jet, and fly. We park your car and handle your luggage. When you arrive at your destination, we handle your baggage and assist with car services. Member Wings helps you better utilize your vacation home and your time spent there.

your health and well-being

The health and well-being of our Members and their guests            is a top priority of Member Wings.  Our personnel and our flight crews  follow the recommendations of the United States Center    for Disease Control, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)       and the guidelines of the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) to ensure that your plane is thoroughly cleaned before    each of your flights.  Our pilots and crew members respect your personal space.  In addition, each of the private terminals that Member Wings uses in our departure and landing operations adhere to strict cleanliness processes that cannot be matched      by any commercial airport.


The safety of our clients and their guests is at the forefront of everything for which Member Wings and our air carriers strive. Member Wings flight operators are certified by Aviation Research Group US (ARGUS) and Wyvern, a standard-setter in flight safety audit. These firms audit FAR Part 135 operations constantly to ensure safe aircraft pilots and crews are employed and safe practices and standards are met or exceeded.

Member Wings flights are sourced and operated through an exclusive network of FAA Part 135 licensed air carriers. Our flight partners are all approved by ARGUS & Wyvern, the most stringent private aviation audit companies in operation.

Preferred fleet and operator

Many Charter Companies brag about having access to over 3,000 jet aircraft.  We would rather rely on a very select few operators who think and act as we do; committed to client satisfaction, maximum flight safety operations and maximum respect shown to clients and equipment.